Saturday, 21 October 2017


Why should we talk about our feelings?
The way a person feels inside is important. It can be really hard not to tell anyone that you're feeling sad, worried, or upset. Then, it's just you and these bad feelings. If you keep feelings locked inside, it can even make you feel sick!
But if you talk with someone who cares for you, like your mum, your dad, your borher or sister or even your grandparents, you will almost always start to feel better. Now you're not all alone with your problems or worries. It doesn't mean your problems and worries magically disappear, but at least someone else knows what's bothering you and can help you find solutions.





Feelings matter

Early childhood is when children begin developing their social and emotional skills, which influence their mental health and wellbeing, now and in the future. Children learn these skills through their important relationships including families, caregivers, peers and early childhood staff.

Children’s developing emotional skills
Children begin developing emotional skills from birth. Emotional skills include being able to recognise, express, understand and manage a wide range of feelings. These skills are important for children’s developing ability to interact successfully with others and their physical world. Children who can understand and manage their feelings, stay calm and enjoy their experiences, are more likely to develop a positive sense of self and be confident and curious learners.
Children develop their emotional skills through their relationships with important others, such as their parents and carers. Babies move from relying on adults to help them organise and regulate their emotions (e.g., through adults soothing and calming them by rocking, patting and holding), to being able to deal with some of their feelings on their own as toddlers. Supported by their increased language, thinking, planning and organising abilities, preschoolers develop more advanced emotional skills such as being able to wait longer for things they want and having more understanding of the feelings of others. They also learn to predict how what they do will affect others (e.g., “You will feel sad if I don’t let you play with me.”)

Ethan’s story

Five-year-old Ethan was feeling sad because his friend Sarah from next door had hurt his feelings.
Ethan’s mum, Amanda, comforted and cuddled him saying: "There, there sweetheart, do you want to tell me what happened?" Ethan’s little brother, three-year-old Cameron, watched from a distance. “Ethan’s sad?” Cameron asked his mum as he came over to her and his brother.
Amanda stretched her arms out to encourage Cameron to join her and Ethan. “Why don’t you ask Ethan?” suggested Amanda. “Ethan, are you sad?” Cameron asked his brother. Ethan nodded, cuddling into his mum.
“What do you think you could do to help?” Amanda asked Cameron softly. Cameron cuddled his brother and patted his back gently. Then he went to find Ethan’s favourite teddy. Later, when Ethan was feeling better, Amanda talked to Cameron about how he had supported his brother. “You helped Ethan when he was feeling sad. He felt better when you brought him his favourite teddy.”
Good feelings are catching! Children imitate the emotions expressed by others around them especially their significant caregivers.
We can help children learn to manage their emotions by soothing them when they are upset, modelling effective ways to manage feelings (e.g., saying: ‘I’m upset, I just need a minute to calm down.") and talking about feelings in everyday conversations. This includes feelings of happiness and excitement and not just when someone is upset.

What parents and carers can do
Be a role model for your child - show them that having difficult feelings is part of everyday life and show them how to deal with them (e.g., “I’m feeling really tired and I think I need to have an early night.”).
Try to understand the meaning behind your child’s behaviour and respond accordingly (e.g., when a baby cries, they are generally letting you know that they need something).
Make talking to your child about feelings a normal part of every day. You can do this by naming feelings in yourself and others, and encouraging your child to do the same.
Encourage your child to express his or her emotions in healthy ways, such as talking about sad feelings or saying why they may be feeling angry and helping them to become calm (e.g., by being still for a few moments) and move on to more pleasant activities.
Be as warm, caring and responsive towards your child as you can - children learn to recognise your usual way of responding which is built up over many interactions so it’s important to keep in mind that you don’t have to be perfect all of the time.
Remember that children are affected by the feelings, behaviours, and interactions of others - it’s important to monitor your own wellbeing and ask for help and support when you need it so that you have the energy to be there for your children including showing ‘feel good’ emotions such as happiness, joy, enthusiasm and excitement.
Being able to recognise, express and manage a wide range of emotions in themselves and others benefits children’s mental health and wellbeing. Caregivers can help children learn about feelings and how to manage them effectively.

Spelling game


I thought it would be a good idea to revise the Alphabet sounds as there are some difficulties when spelling certain letters. 

First we played the “Spelling game” to discover the character that we all had behind the hat. Then we search about them and we realized that they were from a TV serial called “Game of Thrones”. That was thrilling to know and they were quite enthusiastic. 

Next they we are going to start with physical descriptions and instead of having just one model we will have several so we can learn a wider range of vocabulary and expressions