Tuesday, 28 April 2020

EMOTIONS Confinement: Task 5

TASK 5: How are schools in the UK? 

1. Look and read aloud these two pages: 

2. Answer these questions: 

a) Where do you eat at school?  
b) Do you use computers? 
c) What do you do when you are in the playground? 

3. Watch this video:

Remember you don't need to understand every word
You need to understand the main idea. 

Sunday, 26 April 2020

EXPLORERS Confinement: Task 5

TASK 5: Guess who is who

In this activity you will have to guess who is who and 
explain the reason for your decision by doing a physical description

Vocabulary you should use: 

These are some ideas of expressions you could use:

1.- I think .... is the girl/boy in picture (number).... 
because he/she has/hasn't got ..... 
2.- Also because he/she has/hasn't got .... 
3.- Finally, I think picture (number) is ..... 
because he/she has/hasn't got ....

You should give a minimum of 3 reasons 
(eye color, hair color, lips, face shape, etc.)

Send me the video with your answers for each picture.
Remember that you have to describe 5 pictures 
(because the 6th one it's you). 

Next week I'll tell you the correct answers!







Thursday, 16 April 2020

EXPLORERS Confinement: Task 4

TASK 4 Become a work of art!

These days a web page has been viralized that promises to turn your photo into a Renaissance work of art with artificial intelligence. Created by artist named Al Gahaku, it lets you choose different styles of Renaissance painting.

All you have to do is enter the page, select a photo from your gallery or take a selfie and the magic will be alone! Would you like to give it a try?

Once done, send me the original image and the Renaissance artwork
We will have fun! 

EMOTIONS Confinement: Task 4

TASK 4: Saint Jorge Day

1. Watch this video
    2. Make a craft related to St. George's Day and hang it on the balcony. 

- You can use the material you want. 
- When you have done it send me a photo of you with the finished craft. 

3. Write a list of the material you need to complete the craft. 
If you don't know a word, you can use the dictionary. 

Here are some examples of activities that may be good for your inspiration:

A virus cannot leave us without our rose!

Thursday, 9 April 2020

EXPLORERS Confinement: Task 3

TASK 3 Three different places

Exercise 1: Read this vocabulary

Exercise 2: Revise this Grammar

Exercise 3: Read this example

Exercise 4: Write your text 

Exercise 5: Record yourself + send it to me

EMOTIONS Confinement: Task 3

TASK 3: My comic

Exercise 1: Read this comic

Exercise 2: Watch my video

Exercise 3: Create your own comic!!